terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2007

Nathan's Birthday

The last born. We were at St. Marks hospital for Nathan. Mother was having a hard time, with the birth. Then by inpiration the nurse took Mother's blood pressure, (I never remember a nurse doing that before) and it was sky high. I remember the doctor saying the had to stop the labor, until Mothers BP came down. While I was in the room with them when Nathan was born I did not really see him being born. I was busy trying to keep Mother calm, so her blood pressure would not come back up. Nathan was the first baby where Mother had any drugs for pain. All the rest of you were born with out drugs. After it was all over the Doctor came to us and said we had better not have any more kids or JoAnne could die. He said she came real close with Nathan. So that ended our child bearing days. What a joy it was for me to have all you children. While it was very important to be there when all of you were born, the most important thing was to be with you as all of you grew up. I hope I have done a good job being your father. I think of all of you every day. And have your whole lives. Your welfare was the most important thing in my life. We pray for each of you each day by name and for each of your children by name. I LOVE YOU ALL

4 comentários:

Amy disse...

Thanks for all the stories Dad. It was neat to read about each of the births of my brothers and sisters.

George disse...

Thanks, Dad for all of these stories. I can tell that the longer you are in Brazil, the worse your spelling gets. I still was able to understand most of it, though. I love you.

Rebekah disse...

The stories were great dad, thanks. I like George have noticed the spelling getting bad. I still love you though.

andrea disse...

Dad-thanks for writing up all the stories. They are great and you are right if you didn't write them down they'd be lost forever.