I got an email yesterday from Nathan asking questions about the second coming, I though I would post it. This is my opinion, but it comes from years of reading the scriptures. One important thing about the scriptures is that they have to agree with all other verses. That is why you can not take one scripture out of context and make it say what you want it to say. Many people do this but other scriptures belie the point. I will point out below where this is the case.
The Second Coming materials are all through the scriptures. And because of that you can not go to one place to find all that is there. But that being said there are groups that contain more 2nd coming stuff. The books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Revelation, D&C 29, 45, 84, 88, 101,103,105, 133. 1 Nep 11-15. Matthew 24 and JS Matthew in PofGp. That is a lot of reading to do but you also need some keys to understanding it all.
These keys are taken from Avarham Gileadi
Spirit of Prophecy this is using the Holy Spirit as you read the scriptures. 2 Nep25:4, Rev. 19:10 testimony of Jesus, 2 Peter 1:21, and 1 Cor. 2:11 This includes prayer, about what you are reading.
Letter of Prophecy this is reading and understanding the scriptures. 2 Nep. 25:5 this takes a great deal of time. But as you apply these 4 items to your reading you will be able to understand far better in a very short time. I get new meanings from the scriptures each time I read them.
Searching this is what it says it is, searching going over the scriptures time and time again. Looking up cross-references and making your own. When a reference is given read the whole chapter to get the feeling of the verse. 3 Nep 23:1-2
Type and shadows this is a little more complicated. If the scripture talks about Babylon, it can be the city of Babylon, or the state of being of Babylon, wickedness. Likewise if they talk about Zion then that is a state of Righteousness, as also a physical place called Zion, in Jerusalem or Independence, Mo. 3 Nep 23:3, 2 Nep 11:4
Now to finally answer your question.
I have made a few changes from the letter I sent to Nathan. D&C 1:37-38 "Search these commandments for they are true and faithful and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall
all be fulfilled. What I the Lord have spoken I have spoken and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall
all be fulfilled, whether by my own voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same." JS Matthew 1:28-32 talks of wars and rumors of war but the end is not until the Gospel has been preached to all the world, then the abomination of desolation (Daniel 12). Then Christ will appear. See also JS Matthew 1:37 "And whoso treasureth up my word (Scriptures), shall not be deceived, for the son of Man shall come and he shall send his angels before him with the great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together the remainder of his elect from the four winds and from one end of heaven to the other"
1. Ezekiel 38-39 talks about a war from the neighbors of Israel. In that war God will destroy 5/6 of the army that attacks Israel. The Jews have won all their wars with the help of God but from their viewpoint it is they that did it themselves. 80% of the Jews in Israel are not religious. The Jews will be loosing the war and then nature; earthquakes, hail etc will destroy this army. As you read these chapters see how they learn to believe in God. They have to believe in God before they can believe in Christ. These wars we are seeing in the middle east are to be watched but until we see 5/6 ths of the attacking army killed it is not Ezek. 38-39.
2. The Jews will then realize that God won the war and will give him credit for it. They will then rebuild the temple. The LDS church will not build the temple, as a lot of us believe because it will be a temple where sacrifices are performed. See Matt 24 and Daniel 12. Here is an example where scripture from different books of the scriptures clarify the meaning of the verse. A temple will be built in Jerusalem the Church builds temple so me must do it. No we do not build sacrificial temples the Jews do. Our temples are Melchizedek Priesthood temples and theirs are Aaronic Priesthood temples.
3. This temple will be built and 3 1/2 years after they are using it the antichrist will come and stop the sacrifice in the temple. This is known as the Abomination of Desolation in Daniel 9,11,12. Just a word about this antichrist, JS Matthew (PofGP) verse 22 says "For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch, that
if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenat." In Matthew 24 in NT the "elect according to the covenant" is not there. That means that we (LDS) who have convented with God in the temple could be deceived. You can imagine what the world is going to be doing.They are going to be following the antichrist. Rev. 13
During this time frame things will be happening with the Church as well as in the world. I have put them it the order I have because to me that makes most sense. But the order may be different. The temple has to be built in Jerusalem to set in order other things. But all of these things will need to happen before Christ comes.
4. A man will be called in the church to set in order the house of God, D&C 85. He is called the one might and strong. Part of where the Church is not in order is we are not living the Law of Conscration or the united order. A reading of the D&C will show how much time Joseph spent on the Law of Conscration. D&C 42:70-73 and a lot of verses after these verses. We have to be living the full laws of God in Zion. D&C 105:5
5. We as a church will return to Jackson County Missouri and live the united order. This is Zion. We have to be living in Zion before Christ comes. Becasue we will be caught up to meet the Zion of Enoch at Christ's coming. Moses 7:62-63
6. The ten tribes will return from the North Country to Zion in Jackson county Missouri. D&C 133:26-35 they will bring their scriptures with them. They will have prophets among them who will lead them back to Missouri. See number 9 below.
7. 144 thousand high priests Rev, 7 and 14 will be called and sealed on their foreheads (Ezekiel 9:4) to preach the Gospel to the entire world. There will be 12,000 from each tribe of Israel. That means the Church could have upto 24,000. (Ephriam, and Manssah)
8. Christ will also appear at Adam-ondi-Ahman in Missouri during the seven years after the temple is built in Jerusalem. Daniel 7 and D&C 116 and all priesthood keys will be returned to Adam who will then give them to Christ.
9. Two prophets who will be Jews (D&C 77:15 and Rev. 11) will preach in Israel for 3 1/2 years. In the end they will be killed and their bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 days. Then they will be caught up into heaven. Contrary to what some members of the church think, God can call prophets whenever he wants, to be a prophet does not mean they have to hold all the keys. The president of the church holds all the keys. But these prophets will preach to the Jews.
10. The war of Armageddon will be fought at this time. (Rev. 16:16-21) People falsely say other wars are Armageddon, including Ezek 38-39, (different people and different ending) but this war all nations of the earth will fight against Israel. God will win.
11. Christ will then appear on the Mount of Olives and an earthquake will divide the Mount of Olives in two. Zechariah 14:4 and they will ask what are these wounds in hands and feet. Zech: 13:6 and D&C 45:51-53
12. The saints in Zion will be caught up to meet the Zion of Enoch with Christ. This is why we need to be living the united order and a Zion life to be caught up.
Well there it is in a nutshell. There are many more things that go on but these are the most important. I hope I have answered your questions.